
The 2020-2021 Track Season is planned to commence on Saturday 14th November at 8:30am for ALL age groups including the Under 6 to 7’s subject to approval by Manningham City Council. It is the committee’s intention to have all age groups start at the same time. This season we will initially operate under a modified Covid-19 safe program. The “Get In, Compete or Train / Get Out” Covid Safety protocols and plan places the emphases is on the safety of all participants, volunteers, and their families. 

Competition will be based on 8 – 10 athletes forming a group. The athletes and their guardians will remain within their group while at the track and will not mix with other groups. A 10m distance is required to be maintained between groups including their guardians. Athletes will be required to pre-register each week for competition and each training sessions. Athletes will be assigned to groups based on their preregistration. Please see below for more information.

Naturally, these protocols and how we deliver Little Athletics will change as the season progresses and as Victoria’s social distancing requirements change.

Please note we may need to stagger the start times based on our overall numbers. The committee will look at the weekly pre – registration numbers each Friday. Our approach will be flexible, and all changes will communicate by TEAMApp

Communication – TEAMApp (Required)

Communication regarding the program delivery including changes, group allocation, start times, rain delays / cancellation etc will be communicated via the Doncaster Centre TEAMApp page. Please ensure that you have access to the TEAMApp application and ask to join the Doncaster Little Athletics Centre.   Please spread the work that members need to subscribe to the Doncaster Little Aths TEAMApp page.

Access to TEAMApp  . Once you create an account you will need to search for Doncaster Little Athletics. The centre will appear with the logo.

Weekly Preregistration for Competition and Training

All athletes will be required to pre-register by 11pm on the Thursday prior to competition. Preregistration will be used to allocate athletes to their respective groups for the Saturday competition and will be used to manage the number of athletes and guardians present for competition.  The centre may be required to stagger the starting time of groups if weekly preregistration numbers are high. It is important that members check TEAMApp on Fridays to confirm start times.

Preregistrations will normally open each week on Sunday. For the first week of competition it will open it will open on Tuesday. Please watch out for the TEAMApp notification that it is open.

Further details will b sent out via TEAMApp in the next few days.

On Arrival

Entry and exit will be via large carpark only. All members are asked to stay clear of the pavilion entry and not to use the toilets in the pavilion as these are reserved by the cricket club as part of their Covid plan.

Members will need to either sign in via the attendance register at the gate or by the QR Code Reader. More information regarding the QC reader will be posted on TEAMApp.

Only one parent/guardian is allowed to enter the track with the athlete.  Coaches and Officials are not counted as the parent/guardians in the centres Covid Plan.

All entrants must sanitise their hands at the gate.

Entry to the track is conditional on the athlete, guardian, coach or official  and all of their close contacts not exhibiting any symptoms of covid 19, not having received a positive test result, not awaiting a test results and or been exposed to someone who exhibits any covid 19 symptoms in the previous 14 days.

General Safety

All guardians, coaches and officials age 12 and older must be wearing a mask when they enter The Tom Kelly Athletics Track and must continue to wear a mask at all times they are not competing.

Social distancing rules must be followed by all athlete’s when they are not competing this includes the 1.5m rule. All athletes aged 12 or above must wear a mask when they are not competing.

All groups must maintain a distance of 10m (See groups below).

Access to sheds and clubhouse is restricted access only.

All fixed seating areas including the stand in the main straight is out of bounds.  The concourse area above the seats is to be used for transit only and is to be kept clear. Toilets in the concourse area are the only toilets at the venue that may be used.

Equipment – All equipment must be sanitised prior to and after use.


All athletes will be assigned to a group of 8 athletes. Athletes will be assigned to a group There will be no correspondence in regards to reassigning athletes between groups.

The athletes and accompanying guardian are required to stay within their own group and NOT mix with any members from any other group. Groups must maintain a safe distance of 10m where possible.

Parents / guardians are required to stay with their child and travel with their child to all of the child’s events.

Parents Duty will be shared and organised within the group of parents/ guardians travelling with the group.

When not competing, all groups are required to travel back to their designated waiting area until called tot their event. It is recommended that parents may want to bring a folding chair to sit on as there will be no access to the permanent seating

Events – Covid Plan highlights.

Sprint Events – Starting blocks will not be available at the start of the season. Due to a track rule all athlete wearing spikes must use a standing start.

Middle Distance – Maximum of 10 Athletes per Middle distance events.

Long Jump / triple jump – All athletes must sanitise their hands immediately after completing the athletes jump.

Throws – Athlete must sanitise prior to touching equipment. All equipment to be sanitised before and after use by an individual athlete. Athlete to have 3 consecutive throws.

Initially – High Jump and Hurdles will not be offered in the first few weeks subject to Centre Committee review.

No centre records will be measured in the 1st three weeks. This will be reviewed by the committee after week 3.

Monday & Wednesday 4:30 pm Training

Will commence on Monday 16th November.  All participants will be required to pre-register via TEAMApp by 11 pm the night prior to the training session. More details will be provided via TEAMApp.

Thanks and Regards

Doncaster Little Athletics Centre Committee